Creating a Posting Schedule for your Blog 

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A lot of people would say that the hardest part of blogging is coming up with the content. But more experience will bloggers will tell you that the hardest part is creating and sticking to a posting schedule. More often than not, blogging can turn into a fulltime job, especially if your primary concern is widening and impressing your readership. 

Making great content is just one part of the equation. You also have to make sure that your site is visible to get ample traffic flowing to your site. You can do this by improving your search engine rankings. For example, Google’s algorithms take into account how frequently a website gets updated.  When there’s a constant stream of posts coming in, the higher the likelihood of Google prioritizing your blog over others. 

Plus, having a schedule to stick to helps keep your creative juices flowing. When you’re not up against a deadline, there’s no pressure to keep ideas from getting stale. Are you ready to create the perfect posting schedule for your blog? Here’s how you can pull that off. 

Be clear about your goals

The primary way you can stay motivated is to have your goals laid out in front of you. By setting them, you can see what you want to achieve and what you’re working towards. A consistent posting schedule is ideal for several things, including: 

  • Getting higher rankings on search results pages 
  • Acquiring more social media shares 
  • Providing better resources for your audience 
  • Buffing up your authority and online image 
  • Keeping creative blocks at bay 
  • Getting more newsletter subscribers 
  • Establishing your role as an influencer 
  • Earning more conversions 

These are just some of the things you can work towards. For now, choose ones that seem doable for you. By having a clear goal, you can check whether your hard work is paying off or not. 

Organize your calendar

Now on to the tricky bit. For this step, you have to sit down and think about the time that you’re available for work and everything that you have to accomplish to make a successful blog. Whether you have help or not, it pays to stay organized. Here are the tasks that all blog owners have to consider: 

  • Content creation 
  • Formatting, designing, and layouts 
  • Publishing 
  • Content promotion

If you’re doing this by yourself, you’re taking on the role of creator, editor, designer, and marketer. Those are big shoes to fill, but it’s still very manageable. The first thing you have to do is assign days for each task. Make sure you have a solid, unmovable publishing day, so you have a deadline. As your blog gets more established and you see money coming in, you could hire people to share these tasks with you to free up some of your time again. 

Plan topics ahead of time

And if possible, get started on them right away. By having a list of topics that you have to tackle, you have fewer chances of not being able to come up with new content. You can also plan the order in which to publish them ahead of time to create a coherent source of information. By knowing precisely what you have to do for any given day, you’re less tempted to slack off. 

On platforms like WordPress, you get a dashboard where you can tune your publishing times. Let’s say you’ve already written a couple of blog posts. On the panel, you can set the time and date they are to be published. That way, you have less to worry about because it’s done automatically for you. 

Track your results

It’s always prudent to check if you’re working hard enough or the right way. Since you already have your blogging goals, check if your efforts are working towards accomplishing them. If you’ve implemented a new posting schedule, can you see a rise in your reader count? If not, ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Are you posting frequently enough? 
  • Are your frequent posts still of good quality? 
  • Is your content varied? (Videos, photos, etc.) 
  • Does your content engage your audience? 

This is where analytic tools come in handy. They help find areas that need improvement. 


Creating a posting schedule always comes with a strong commitment to stick to it. It doesn’t matter how streamlined your posting schedule is if you’re not determined to follow through with the right tasks. Blogging is not as easy as it seems, but its payoffs make it worthwhile.